I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who has joined the Patreon! The response has been amazing and it certainly helps more than you know.

As I announced I’ve transitioned to running the NCST platform full time and have been tying up loose ends the past week as I prepare to end 2023 and start 2024 with a focused push towards more regular and in-depth content for everyone!

Many asked how I’ll make money running the platform and the simple answer is whatever income the site brings in through sponsorships, donations, and in particular Patreon will first be used to fund the operation of the platform, retain an operating balance, and then what’s left will be paid from the LLC I, with the help of some great friends, started to operate NCST, as employee compensation.

In other words, the better I make the platform and engage the community, the better off the platform will be, and the better the chance there’ll be extra to allow me to be compensated.

For those that join the Patreon at the $5 or above tier I am working on regular special content as a thank you for your continued donations. As you’ve seen I’ve been updating the bookings daily, but have some great ideas for more content in the coming weeks.

Please don’t hesitate to send me a message or comment below if you have any ideas for things you’d like to see.

Don’t forget we’re hosting a On Patrol: Live watch party on Discord every Friday and Saturday night, so make sure to come join us!

Thank you again for your support, have a safe and amazing weekend!

The Admin